October 22, 2024


Jai Sai Ram

Baba Words On Charity

Baba Words On Charity

Baba Words On Charity

Baba Words On Charity

  1. Shri Sai Baba always encouraged the charity and shared the happiness of sharing.
  2. If any creature comes to you for a help, don’t drive them away. Receive them with a respect and treat them well.
  3. Give water to thirsty, food to hungry, and allow stranger to take accommodation in your verandah.
  4. If someone asked you money and you are not inclined to give, don’t give but unnecessarily don’t bark at him.
  5. Sai Baba Ji always said love every living being without any discrimination
  6. He advised perfect loyalty and faith in the power and blessings of the Almighty (ALLAH MALIK) and patience for the results of action (KARMA).
  7. As a result of Sai Baba’s grace, devotees experience self-generated conviction and faith that whatever their desires and aspirations are, they will never go unnoticed by Baba .
  8. Shri Sai Baba’s Divine Love and blessings are showered directly and not through any intermediary.
  9. He also asked visitors for Dakshina, which he would distribute to others later in the day to improve the karma of his disciples.
  10. Sai Baba Ji is ever living to help and guide all who come to seek his blessings.